Del Rey Oaks Park

Del Rey Oaks Park

Del Rey Oaks Park


The Del Rey Park is a remarkable asset for such a small city as Del Rey Oaks. It was established in 1953 with an initial cost of $50,000.  The 10-acre plot of land that was donated by T.A. Work for the specific use of a public park.


Located at 999 Angelus Way, the park is the perfect place to picnic, play sports, take walks, or just relax. Del Rey Park has always been a favorite location for events and gatherings celebrating local holidays like the Ice Cream Social to holidays such as Santa’s Workshop. The Park has two playgrounds, a basketball court, a volleyball pit, a softball field, restrooms, several picnic tables, barbeque pits, and our locally famous lion head drinking fountain.


There is plenty to do at Del Rey Oaks Park whether you are with a group or just looking for a nice place to spend the afternoon:

Basketball Volleyball Baseball Softball
Play equipment for all ages Barbecuing
Dog Park Lots of open lawn area


The park features Old Town Hall and two large barbeque areas (Park West and Park East) that are available for rental.  Please refer to the map below.